Saturday, March 12, 2011

An "A" for the Day

After countless hours of waiting it out in the freezing cold while we carefully boiled our sap collection, we have done it...we have created syrup!!

Grade A medium amber syrup to be specific. And just so you know, it tastes incredible!

"Mmmmaple syrup"

We got this yummy syrup by combining all of our sap buckets into one giant metal tub. We then boiled the sap in our outdoor fire-pit (from sun-down to sun-up!) until it reached a certain level. We then transported the sap to our indoor facility where we started the boiling process all over again. We checked the sugar content using a refractometer and once it got to 50 degrees Brix (measurement of sugar content), we filtered the syrup and heated it again until it got to 67 degrees Brix. After that, we filtered it one last time and then started bottling!

The whole process was really exciting. Pretty soon we're going to have our own labels to put on them so that we can start selling!

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