Sunday, April 1, 2012

Raisin' the Roof at the Open House

Yesterday, March 31, 2012 - a date which will live in infamy - the South Hill Forest Products class hosted the best maple syrup open house this world has ever seen!!

Maybe it's the maple syrup talking, but never has there been such a great mix a people enjoying some of nature's sweetest product. There was sap, there were pancakes, there were fires (that were safely contained in our fire pits)...we had it all! So this post goes out to everybody who made this event such a big success! We truly appreciate all of the support we've received from the Ithaca community. It was such a pleasure meeting/seeing you all and we hope you had as much fun as we did!

Check out some of the pictures from the event:
Two of our wonderful tour guides--guiding our guests through the Sugarbush
Another tour group checkin some buckets for sap
...but not as much as our syrup!
Our pancakes were a big hit

Please sir, can I have some more?

Friends and family came from all over...
just to have some syrupsiously sweet liquid gold.
So, as sad as we are to see the end of the syrup season, some would call it a bittersweet time--because now we have more time to focus on mushrooms and bee products!
(bee on the look out for more updates)

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